Goals for my life

Posted on February 15, 2009. Filed under: home and family |

After reading Janas blog this morning I have decided to set myself some goals


Pay off overdue charges on my power bill and keep on top of my phone bill

Realise that my  part time  job will help with this and try not to let it panic me. I panic easily.  I have been reading this book  The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall that Tracey (bless her) lent me.  In it he says there  is “a fair exchange between work and money” and there is  “the pride and satisfaction that can come from doing a good job”.  He also identifies “how the anxiety and lack of money [can affect people] in real ways” page 38

Believe I will come through this.  That I know how long it will take to come though it.  Re-access my budget.  Hoping that by doing this I wont get into this position again.


continue to home school B13 and realise that its ok to put some of our learning/school time into self help time.  Both of us are having counselling.  I am also doing another woman’s group for ladies  who have been in abusive relationships.  I am also arranging access for the boys with their dad/friend.  I have to keep reminding myself that this time is worthwhile and important for our future happiness.  Its only for a term or two at the most.  Its also an holistic approach to learning and well being.  I sometimes feel guilty for taking this time away from home schooling – Im not really a unschooler.  However we are trying to do maths and English everyday still.


My job really helps with this.  Its got me out walking quite a way at least a couple of days a week.  I sometimes take the boys with me – together or alone.  They seem to enjoy the time out and about too.


I need to keep putting God where He belongs in my life and allowing him to fill me up completely with joy and peace.

I need to read my bible daily.  I must confess this doesnt always happen.  I need to try to be better at this.  Continue to make these.


Continue to thank God for how he has been blessing me this year.  I need to celebrate what he has blessed me with whether I feel like I deserve all this love, support and help or not.  He knows what I need.  He knows how best to give it to me and who am I to doubt Him!!!

Keep praying and talking to God


I would like to swap phone numbers with one of the ladies at the womans group if she is happy with it.  Maybe invite her round for coffee sometime.

Keep accepting invitations to outings as they come up.  I must pat myself on the back for going to the church dessert evening on Friday night.

I am a bit of a shy person and find going to outings without my a man hard.

I can practise mixing with people on Sundays after church when we have morning tea.  I can remember that by simply saying hello to people and maybe sitting next to them I can start a conversion with them.  By simply asking them how they are and what they have been up too can open up conversations.  I am going to attend a 3 week self esteem course on Wednesday and this too will help I hope.

Just as the ex and I were splitting up my daughter started emailing me.  I could try to make a special time each week to email her whether I have heard from her or not.  I am taking this relationship slowly and carefully but it is very nice.

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7 Responses to “Goals for my life”

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Thats really nice about your daughter, I hope it works out.
What power company are you with? We were with Contact last year and they have something called Smoothpay which really saved our bacon over the winter months.

I’m glad you’ve heard from your daughter Jen, it sounds like you’re doing alot of thinking and taking everything slowly. Good stuff. I’m like you, I’m quite shy around people I don’t know either.

Good for you Jen! Happy you are having contact with your daughter. Take Care – Rachaelxo

Glad to hear about your daughter Jen. Goodluck with your goals. I know you are stronger than you think you are. Hugs.

thanks LS shall have to look in that bill payment method

thanks Amy, Rachael and Hay 🙂 hugs

Sounds like you have a good plan! (((hugs))) Keep it up 🙂
Glad to hear your daughter has been in contact, too.

These all sound like great goals, Jen! And definitely don’t worry about the homeschooling. Try to keep up with the math and English like you are. There is so much life learning that is going on right now. All will be well.

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