What I look like at 6.30am in the morning

Posted on February 19, 2009. Filed under: home and family |

I found this site awhile ago and I enjoy writing and probably making a fool of myself LOL see below 🙂

Our challenge:- Take a picture of yourself right this minute without primping and explain to us why it is you have not washed your hair today.


Folks its 6.30!!!  I havent done anything except wake up after thinking about how sometimes I find my ex still attractive – arr!!!

Ive had a drink of coffee and told myself yet again that Im better off without him.  Congratulated myself for the fact that I can put in boundaries.  He babysat the boys last night while I was at my first self esteem course.  I had unplug the computer from the wall and hidden the plug (the way to keep him off my computer was suggested to me by my 13 year old bless him).  Dont want my ex snooping and especially finding out my wonderful news.  Besides which I cant count how many times I had to ask him to allow me on to my computer when we were together.  He didnt like the fact that he couldnt use my computer.  He never asked beforehand if he could.  I wouldnt have said he could.  Too bad if he lost an auction on Trademe.  Am I a b***h or what??? LOL

After the coffee and the good self talk I came on here and blogged and visited my usual sites.  Later on, say about 8am I shall get moving.  Have breakfast.  Get D3 ready for his morning at his care givers.  Today will be another busy day – attending a womans home group at church, delievering orders and more catalogues for my part time job and taking B13 to sea scouts.

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7 Responses to “What I look like at 6.30am in the morning”

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Gosh you were on your computer at 6.30am? lol Jen…I think you were right about not letting your ex on your computer. Good for you, I never did feel right about that virus he reckoned you got from facebook…hmm

Ooooh you hardass Jen 😉 But good on you for setting limits. If he’s in your house it’s by your rules. He doesn’t need to snoop.

It’s nice to see you up and about and sounding rather chipper, Jen! 🙂

My goodness! I would scare people if I took a picture of myself at 6:30 AM, this is the time I am grudgingly rolling out of bed to get ready for work and get the boys ready for school.

Sorry, kid you will just have to take my word for it, but there is no way I would take a pic that early in the morning, lol!

You’re a brave, brave woman, Jen! I wouldn’t have dared take my own photo so early in the morning.

Im earlyish to bed and early to rise Amy
The more I think about that computer the more it makes me anger at him. Id just paid it off and it is possible he mucked it up.

LS LOL me?? a hardass yeah cool and proud of it 🙂

thanks Donna yep I am happier 🙂

LOL fair enough Leti 🙂

maybe brave? Alice 🙂

what makes me happier is all you wonderful commenters and other people that love and support me 🙂

Clever idea about unplugging the computer!

You are a brave woman, putting up a photo of yourself from 6:30 am!

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